Basicly, my self portrait is made of simple letters and elements. By this I was trying to show my personality, that is simple and easy to understand. While doing it, I also tried to make it close to my actual look.
Because my first final trace of picture was lost (dont know how it happened), I had to re-trace my picture. Even though my first work was better than the new one, it gave me a lot of experience in working with Illustrator.
During the work from the tools I mostly used Pencil tool and Brush. However, to make the rounds of my picture smoother, I used the Anchor tool. All this worl gave me an experience how to make your picture look more perfect and more realistic.
After finishing all of my work, I found out that the very first trace of my pixture turned out to be the best of aal my works. Probably because I had an actual picture in front of me, I did it better without missing all this little details.